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Discipline Over Motivation: A Good Read

I recently read a blog post from Christian Finn, over at Muscle Evo. He has a great email newsletter he sends out. He mentioned that one of his friends had asked him, how or where do you find motivation to workout, when you just don't have any. I too was recently asked this by a client of mine. I told her the same thing that I had read from Christians newsletter. He explained it perfectly, but I must say, ill be adding a few of my own touches. He mentioned that motivation to workout will not always be there, it just simply wont. Do not rely on it, its only there as extra credit. This is very true. Its discipline that you're looking for, its the true workhorse behind it all. Discipline is what gets you on your feet and moving when motivation isn't there. Discipline has no excuses, its not too tired, its not too busy, not too anything. It just does it anyways, without question.

So how do I establish this discipline you speak of? just do it. Just like you do with most things in your life. Wake up, shower (hopefully), go to work, come home, and repeat. Even when we don't want to sometimes, we do it anyways. That's where you'll find your discipline. Its not always easy, but its that simple. Once you have grasped this, you will find it much easier to accomplish your goals, even when it gets tough.

Chris Work

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